Dollar Store Recipes: Homemade Taco Seasoning

Hey y’all this is a quick and easy one.  This is a homemade, chemical free, easy, yummy, simple and delicious recipe for taco seasoning.  This recipe makes enough to put in one pound of ground beef or turkey or chicken (pick your poison), but can be doubled or multiplied in order to make more and store for later.  Every single one of these items can be found at the 99.  Like, EVERY. SINGLE. ONE.

What you need:

1 TBsp Chili Powder

¼ Tsp Garlic Powder

¼ Tsp Onion Powder

¼ Tsp Ground Oregano

½ Tsp Paprika

2 Tsp Ground cumin

2 Tsp Salt

1Tsp Black Pepper


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  1. Throw all of the ingredients in a bowl and mix.
  2. Add it to your meat with 1/2 cup water.
  3. That’s it!


Each item can be found at the 99 and it would be crazy to try and add up the amounts. Full disclosure: my oregano didn’t come from the 99, because I already had some but I verified that they do carry oregano at the 99.   Bottom line is even if you had to buy each spice (not including salt and pepper, everyone has that), you would spend $6.   That’s still an amazing value!  Then you could use them for all kinds of stuff or just keep them to make countless batches of taco seasoning.  Either way, I hope you enjoy!!

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